

But the strange thing is that white was not a symbol of the wedding day in the past. Women wore cream or beige shades on this day, even with dresses and accessories and pumps. These colors gave the accessories, as well as the shoes, that extra something. 

The second colour, very unconventional for me, but a favourite in the past, was blue. Blue was seen as the colour of purity in England at that time. It wasn't until the mid-19th century that white first appeared in connection with weddings. The year 1840 was written more precisely, when Queen Victoria opted for a white version of the wedding dress and accessories.

In Slovakia, the history of wedding dresses is also very diverse and varied depending on the village or region. The Tekov girls preferred dark-coloured dresses, whereas in Horehronie, white dresses with a rosary around the neck were the most common. Today, most women in Europe and America fixate on the colour white on this day, as it has become a symbol of the wedding day here over time.  

So how to choose the right shoes and enjoy the wedding evening to the fullest?

In your initial thinking, you should focus on the basic pillars when choosing wedding pumps : comfort, the right size and stability.   

If the pumps are not comfortable enough for you, try using gel insoles, for example, which can reduce minor flaws. But still! Think first and foremost about the comfort that the shoes will offer you. After all, you have to stay in them all night... And one more little trick. If you choose your shoes well in advance, you'll have plenty of time to get used to them, or to break them in a bit. Practicing in front of the TV news in the evening will guarantee that you will walk down the aisle more confidently on your wedding day.       

Another very important aspect is the right size. You wouldn't believe how much damage 1 missing millimeter can do in an evening. Actually, if you think back to a few mornings after a good party you will probably remember. And now a show of hands from all those who have ever danced barefoot at a family reunion or company party.  That's why the cut and type of pumps also matter when choosing your size. They shouldn't rub against your foot at any point when you walk, or, for example, there may be a space between the heel and the end of the shoe in different models, which is not at all a sign of an overdressed night out.    

And finally stability. This is the point that will guarantee you a feeling of self-confidence. If you have decided on an unconventional outdoor wedding, adapt your footwear accordingly and go for low shoes. You will certainly appreciate the time saved by removing mud and pieces of grass from your heels.

And how about heels?  

With heels, we would recommend taking the path of sensible decision-making. Especially if you (or rather your foot) are not used to high heels. However, if pumps are part of your everyday outfit and your foot is used to the slope of pumps, reach for this version with a clear conscience.  

Be careful, though, not to be taller than the groom! 

However, if you are not a fan of tall shoes, you can opt for something less tall, but a bit more unconventional or "cool". It is said that the ideal heel height for such an occasion is 3-5 cm.

For example, a huge trend in recent years has become the classic white linen, which with elegant wedding dresses forms a really very interesting contrasting combination. Yes; you read it right, white clothes or white sneakers are not forbidden with wedding dresses! You can even find several artists on the internet who are already dedicated to explicitly drawing wedding motifs directly on the linen or sneakers, thus creating a beautiful keepsake.    

As far as general wedding trends for 2023 are concerned, the so-called bubble dropping, where champagne flows down a pyramid of glasses, holds the top spot. Outdoor weddings have also confirmed their position, which will be a total hit for this year (so don't forget to get a bridesmaid to wear trainers). However, there are also options such as ballerinas or loafers (daddy shoes), which will also be a total hit this year. Colour-wise, the trends will stick to earthy colours, greens, beiges and greys. And there will be lots of seasonal flowers in the decorations and natural corners or little chill-out zones in the area where the wedding is happening will also be trendy.   

So whatever version of your wedding day you decide on, don't forget that the right wedding pumps can be found in our e-shop

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