
We sold 1 million pairs of shoes. Thank you.

It was at a time when the famous 29th August - USA factories were still operating in Partizánske. Our father also worked there and one day when he brought home huge suitcases, my brother and I were curious to see what was in them. Probably even then, we had already taken a small step on the path that led us to more than a million pairs of shoes sold. And so I got to thinking about what we owe to you guys for liking us so much over the years.

Shoes from Bata

Right from the start, it must be said that we were born in the right city. Thanks to its history, the former Bat'ovany is still known as the city of shoes, despite its renaming. Slovaks have simply gotten used to the fact that they can always find quality shoes here. So why take it away from them. As a shoemaker, I know very well that you don't build something like this overnight. Although politics has shuffled the cards in the story of our town, we honor tradition and, with respect for Bata's legacy, we believe that there is still much to build on. Although times change and technology advances by leaps and bounds, unique innovation practices and a tradition of quality remain our pillars.

A family business

When the family comes together at work, it has one huge advantage - we can adapt much more quickly to any changes in the market. If we agree on a move at 7 am, by 9 am it's already being implemented. That's how we started in 2008 when I took over the company with my father. Before that I had studied abroad, but eventually I decided to return to my roots and stay to live and work in Slovakia. Today I dare say that after years of experience we have a "nose" for quality and a refined sense of design.

The perfect choice

We visit several dozen shoe fairs a year, where we find a range of current trends and classic models. We always try to look for a happy medium. Every market demands something different, and the Slovak mood is somewhere between Italian elegance and German quality in my eyes. That is why at the beginning of our business we decided to bring to our towns an offer of world brands tailored exactly to the local taste. Our father used to work for the well-known German brand Rieker, which is still our stable partner today. In addition to Gabor, Högl, Bugatti and Tamaris and many others. However, the new customers that come to us do not allow us to "rest on our laurels". To please their tastes, we regularly expand our offer with other brands, most recently Liu Jo, Guess and Karl Lagerfeld. We currently have more than 60 of them in our portfolio, but we always offer only the best pieces from each manufacturer.

Making life easier for our customers

The thing that can make me happiest is when customers tell me that they always find the nicest selection of shoes in town in our store. Because I know how much time it can take to find the right pair that will look nice on the foot and also fit comfortably. Hey, did you know that you can order shoes online and try them on in-store? Although we too sailed into the waters of online sales years ago, our 32 stores are still a huge advantage. People don't want to believe that this service works for free and without obligation. They still ask me where the shoes end up afterward. The answer is that they stay in our store, so the courier doesn't have to drive extra miles to return the goods and the packing material is saved too. And what we don't want at all is for you to unnecessarily keep shoes that end up not being to your liking and not being used as you imagined. The much-vaunted sustainability in fashion means one thing - we all need to buy less. Our endeavor is therefore to ensure that our customers buy sensibly - quality footwear that fits them and meets all their requirements.

Not only for beauty

But of course, pleasing everyone is not as easy as it might seem. Today, big brands and the media are shouting at us from every side to try to stand out, to not be afraid to stand out, to try something new all the time... But tell that to people who have halluxes and need special comfort shoes that fit them exactly. Or the banker who has to fit into prescribed frames most of the time. But that doesn't mean they can't wear stylish shoes. And that's why we've brought in our brands for those looking for everyday reassurance in well-fitted footwear made from quality materials. The fact that the foot looks good in them is just a welcome bonus. In the Robel range, you'll find wider "hooves" that adapt perfectly to the shape of the foot because we know that over time, feet need something different than they used to. And the ETIMEĒ brand is our heartthrob, bringing much sought-after originality in the form of unique details on elegant shoes that are so comfortable they can be worn all day long.

Quality footwear from Partizanske

Not every step we have taken throughout our history has been the right one. But I believe that we make the right decision every day when we try to fit what we need. That's probably the main reason why we've sold over a million pairs of shoes. If you've read this far, you've probably bought something from us at some point. Your experience is the only thing that keeps us going, so we'd be grateful if you'd leave us a review when you click on the link. Because because of you walking in Robel's shoes, we have been able to walk that path and keep going. Thanks to you, we can continue to contribute to the fact that the former Batovany is still synonymous with the town from where the whole of Slovakia buys quality footwear. Thank you for every single pair you have bought from us.

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